- Shu-Shian Lin*, “Investigation of Forecasted Risk Interrelationship: Base on GARCH Model, Causality in China Markets,” Journal of Business Economics and Management, Accepted. (SSCI)
- Shu-Shian Lin*, Yi-Hsien Wang, Fu-Ju Yang, Rui-Lin Tseng and Mei-Chi Wang, (2014) “Risk control of Hedging Behavior under Business Cycle in Information Technology Industry,” ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, Vol.5, No.6. 1613-1617.(EI)
- Shu-Shian Lin*, Yi-Hsien Wang, Chia-Hsing Huang, Ping-Huang and Yu-Wei Hu, “Financial Hedging Effective in Vertical Integration with Outsourcing Business Model ,” Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy, Accepted
- Yen-Hsien Lee and Shu-Shian Lin*, “Option Payoffs with Simulations of Disturbances Return,” The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol.11, No.3, 297-305
- Keng-Hsin Lo, Shu-Shian Lin* and Yen-Chang Chen (2014) “Volatility and Momentum Strategies in stock Markets: An Empirical Study,” Actual Problems of Economics, No.3(153), 423-430.
- Lo, K.H and Shu-Shian Lin*, 2011, Comparisons of non-parametric disturbance simulations and Monte Carlo approach, African Journal of Business Management Vol.5(24), pp.10210-10220
- Huang, C.H. and Shu-Shian Lin*, 2008, The Impact of WTO on International Interdependence Degree among United States, Korea and China, Applied Financial Economics Letters, vol. 4, issue 6, pages 451-456 (ELI)
- 林書賢、施光訓、簡正昕 (2012) “台灣與中國大陸證券市場連動之探討,” 永續發展與管理策略,第四卷第二期,25-36
- 羅庚辛、朱孝恩、林書賢、林寶人、蔡知倫,2010,短期動量、明確訊息與訊息不確定性下之動量投資策略績效,管理研究學報,第7卷,第10期,頁139-164
- 羅庚辛、林書賢、羅耀宗、鍾毓芬,2010,總體經濟變數、景氣循環與盈餘動量策略績效之實證,中原企管評論,第2期,第8卷,頁73~106
- 羅庚辛、朱孝恩、林書賢、鄭燁隆,2009,價格與產業動量策略之投資績效─台灣證券市場實證,企業管理學報,第82期,頁24-47