

E 許鑒隆 教授級專業技術人員


職 稱


姓 名



 大恩 928

電 話













  1. 國立臺北大學企業管理研究所博士
  2. 國立臺北大學企業管理學系碩士


  1. 捷邦管理顧問股份有限公司董事長 2021/09-2022/10
  2. 關貿網路股份有限公司董事長 2016/08-2020/09
  3. 將來商業銀行股份有限公司董事 2020/01-2020/09
  4. 全球區塊鏈暨應用發展協進會理事長 2018/11-至今
  5. 中華民國資訊軟體協會常務理事 2017/06-2020/09
  6. 台灣數位科技與政策協進會理事 2018/07-至今
  7. 泛亞電子商務聯盟副主席 2017/11-2020/09
  8. 中華民國僑務委員會專家委員 2020/05-2023/01
  9. 國立暨南國際大學國際企業管理學系教授級專業技術人員 2012/02-2017/07
  10. 德明財經科技大學行銷管理學系助理教授 2011/09-2018/01
  11. 家登精密股份有限公司董事兼策略長 2009/01-2015/03
  12. 中國文化大學 國際企業管理學系教授級專業技術人員 2021/02/01-至今


  1. Wanhao Dong, Haisheng HU, Hsu, Chien Lung*; Jiun-Nan PAN (2020) How Will the Land Revenue Policy Reform Affect China’s Economy? A Simulation Analysis Based on General Equilibrium, The Singapore Economic Review, Accepted.
  2. Hsu, Chien Lung* & Ho, Tien Chun (2020). Evaluating Key Factors of Container Shipper Lines from the Perspective of High-tech Industry Shippers. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Accepted.
  3. Chen, F., Hsu, Chien Lung*, Lin, A. J., & Li, H. (2020). Holding risky financial assets and subjective wellbeing: Empirical evidence from China. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 101-142.
  4. Ho, T. C., & Hsu, Chien Lung* (2020). An Analysis Of Key Factors Influencing Integration Of Blockchain Into Shipping Companies In Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 28(4), 229-236.
  5. Hsu, Chien Lung* and Liao, Yi-Chuan (2019). Bridging User Perception and Stickiness in Business Microblog Contexts: A Moderated Mediation Model. Future Internet, 11(6), 134-150.
  6. Lin, L., Tai, V. W., Hsu, Chien Lung*, & Yang, C. C. (2016). “Who is more visionary in mergers: Commercial vs. investment banks. “ The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 35, 133-152. (SSCI, I.F. 1.542)
  7. Chen, Chiang-Ming, Chiu*,Hsien-Hung and Hsu, Chien Lung* (2015). “How does demand uncertainty affect food and beverage capacity in the hotel industry?” Current Issues in Tourism, Accepted. (SSCI, I.F. 1.485)
  8. Hsu, Chien Lung* and Liao, Yi-Chuan (2014). Exploring the linkages between perceived information accessibility and microblog stickiness: The moderating role of a sense of community. Information & Management, 51(7), 833-844. (SSCI, I.F.3.105 )
  9. Lin, Arthur J., Hsu, Chien Lung* and Eldon Y. Li (2014). “Improving the effectiveness of experiential decisions by recommendation systems,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.41, No.10, pp.4904-4914. (SSCI, I.F.2.571)
  10. Hsu, Chien Lung*, & Liao, Y. C. (2014). ”Sustainability strategies and reverse logistics management: A contingent link” In Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT), 2014 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 500-507). IEEE. (EI Inspec)
  11. Hsu, Chien Lung* and Lin, Arthur J (2013). “The effect of community identity on continuance intention of microblogging” International Journal of Electronic Business, Vol.10, No.4, pp.355-382. (EI Inspec)
  12. Lin, Arthur J., Hsu, Chien Lung* and Tsai, Tsui-Hsu (Tracy) (2011). “The Influences of National Images on Marketing PerformanceA mediated model link,” International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol.9, No.3, pp. 171-186. (EI Inspec)




  1. 許鑒隆 (2015). 「管理教學個案集 」,德明財經科技大學圖書館。ISBN9789869146241
  2. 許鑒隆 (2013). 「觀光開麥拉」,致知學術出版社。ISBN9789868995581


  1. 科技部計畫編號 107-2410-H-426 -002 -,計畫名稱 :訊息和自我評價與購買意願關係討論: 非線性調節式中介模型,執行日期 : 2018/08/01 -2019/07/31 計畫經費 588 ,000
  2. 科技部計畫編號 106 -2410 -H-147 -004 -,計畫名稱 : 隱私顧慮與資訊分享 :以曲 線觀點分析 ,執行日期 : 2017/08/01 -2018/07/31 計畫經費 557 ,000
  3. 科技部計畫編號105-2410-H-147 -008 -,計畫名稱: 行動購物簡單化和服務體驗到使用意圖的連結-干擾式中介模型,執行日期: 2016/08/01-2017/07/31 計畫經費600,000
  4. 科技部計畫編號104-2410-H-147-002-,計畫名稱: 使用者知覺、會員關係、社群適應性、顧客保留:干擾式中介模型,執行日期: 2015/08/01-2016/07/31 計畫經費568,000



  1. Quoc Han Tran and Chien-Lung Hsu* (2016). “Study of Relationship among Destination Image, Service Quality, Word-of Mouth, Customer Value, Satisfaction and Revisiting Intention – A Case of Sapa, Vietnam” has presented in International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2016W), Palau, 2016, January 27-30.
  2. 李有仁、張芳凱、許鑒隆、廖建翔 (2015).「資訊管理研究在台灣:歷史回顧與未來展望」,發表於臺大管理論叢25週年研討會,中華民國、台北,2015124
  3. 許鑒隆、吳佩玲 (2013).「偉全實業-以開放式創新建立新價值」,發表於管理評論第三屆管理個案研討會,中華民國、台北,2013111
  4. Chien-Lung Hsu and Yi-Chuan Liao (2013). “Reverse Logistics Management and Its Antecedents: A Qualitative Investigation from Taiwan” has presented in 3rd Global Chinese Management Studies Conference, Singapore, 2013, August 6-8
  5. Jia-jen Ni and Chien-Lung Hsu* (2013).”Dating with Bill”- Innovation Process of Establishing Enterprise Culture and Enhancing Service Quality” has presented in 3rd Global Chinese Management Studies Conference, Singapore2013, August 6-8.
  6. Chien-Lung Hsu* (2013). "Research of Stroke Health Innovative Management Services - Base on Information System Success Model" has presented in International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2013W), Sapporo, Japan, 2013, Jan 28-31.
  7. 倪家珍、許鑒隆、邱銘乾 (2012). 「由員工訓練談企業創新-家登精密的企業內訓課程」發表於管理評論第二屆管理個案研討會、中華民國、台北,2012112
  8. Chien-Lung Hsu* and Yi-Chuan Liao (2012). “The Reverse Logistic Management and Performance: The Effect of Organization Antecedent and External Environmental Factors” has presented in International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2012), Venue, Republic of Palau, 2012, July15-18.
  9. Chien-Lung Hsu*, Jia-jen Ni, Ming-Chien Chiu and Hsi-tzu Chen (2012). "Meeting with Bill - Innovation Process of Establishing Enterprise Culture and Enhancing Service Quality" has presented in Case Studies in Service Innovation Workshop, Gdansk, Poland, 2012, June 26.
  10. 許鑒隆、吳佩玲、劉家昌 (2011). 「東遠精技-材料成本的迷思」,發表於管理評論第一屆管理個案研討會,國立臺北大學,2011122





