M 方清清 助理教授

職 稱


姓 名



 大夏 B308

電 話

 (02)2861-0511 #35326














  1. Florida International University Department of Hospitality Managemen 碩士
  2. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Hotel and Tourism Management 博士


  1. 中國文化大學國際企業管理學系 專任助理教授(現職)
  2. 澳門科技大學專任助理教授
  3. 臺北城市科技大學專任助理教授


  1. Fang, C. C., Huang, S. W., Liou, J. J. H., & Tzeng, G. H. (2023). A Model for Successor Selection and Training in the Family-Owned Traditional Manufacturing Businesses: Bi-fuzzy Approaches of Triangular Fuzzy and Single-Valued Neutrosophic Set. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 1-19.
  2. Fang, C. C., Liou, J. J., Huang, S. W., Wang, Y. C., Huang, H. H., & Tzeng, G. H. (2021). A Hybrid, Data-Driven Causality Exploration Method for Exploring the Key Factors Affecting Mobile Payment Usage Intention. Mathematics, 9(11), 1185.
  3. Cheung, C., Fang, C.C., & Wang, Y.C. (2021). Consumer Behavior and Mobile Payment: An Empirical Study of the Restaurant Industry. Journal of China Tourism Research, 1-21.
  4. Yang, H.J., Cheung, C. & Fang, C.C. (2015). An Empirical Study of Hospitality Employability Skills: Perceptions of Entry-Level Hotel Staff in China. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 27:161–170.




  1. 沈介文、吳天元、張振傑、鄭克強、林炳章、方清清、歐陽炳昌、林衍伶、賴明政、范思瑀、許世洲著, (2019). 服務業管理, ISBN:978-986-362-507-0,臺北: 華格那出版有限公司.



  1. 許傑誠(2024)。探索成功繼承之關鍵因素:從企業家角度透析。﹝碩士論文。中國文化大學﹞臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統。 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/ks7k98
  2. 黃語培(2024)。顧客對自助點餐系統及再使用意願之探討: 以餐飲業為例。﹝碩士論文。中國文化大學﹞臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統。 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/jcfd9p
  3. 黃建鑫(2024)。體驗行銷、認知價值與顧客滿意度對再購意願影響之探討-以健身房為例。﹝碩士論文。中國文化大學﹞臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統。 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/d6s2uv
  4. 吳昀潔(2023)。影響電子商務消費者使用意圖關鍵因素之探討。﹝碩士論文。中國文化大學﹞臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統。 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/s8v2ah
  5. 林佳瑩(2023)。五星級旅館從業人員就業力之研究探討。﹝碩士論文。中國文化大學﹞臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統。 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9mah6p


  1. Fang, C. C., S. W., Wang, Liou, J. J., & Tzeng, G. H. (2022). Developing an Indicator Framework of Assessing Employability for the Smartized Five-star Hotel Employees, The international Conference on Fuzzy Theory and its Application 2022 (iFuzzy 2022), 3-5, Nov., Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  2. Fang, C. C., S. W., Wang, Liou, J. J., Chung, C. C., & Tzeng, G. H. (2021). Exploring a sustainable successor-selecting model for a family-owned traditional business, The international Conference on Fuzzy Theory and its Application 2021 (iFuzzy 2021), 6-8, Oct., Taitung, Taiwan.
  3. Fang, C.C., Yang, H., Cheng, K.C. (2016). The Effects of Revisiting Intention of Five-star Hotel Customers in Macau, 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and 15th Asia Pacific, 18-20, May, Hong Kong.
  4. Fang, C.C., Cheng, K.C., (2014). Hospitality Students’ Learning of Managerial Competencies from Internships: A Case Study of Taiwan, 2014 International Conference on Experiential Learning in Hospitality and Tourism, 20-23, May, Macau.
  5. Fang, C.C., Cheung, C., Cheng, K.C., (2014). The effects of work motivations, post-internship managerial competencies and internship perceptions on the hospitality students' career decisions: a case study of Taiwan, 2014 Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and Asia Tourism Forum, 18-20, May, Hong Kong
  6. Fang, C.C., Cheung, C., Cheng, K.C. (2013). The Effects of Service Quality Attributes on the Satisfaction of Tourists: A Case Study of Hong Kong, Asia Pacific for Tourism Association (APTA) 2013, 01-04, July, Bangkok, Thailand.
  7. Fang, C.C., Cheung, C., Hsueh, C., Cheng, K.C. (2013). The effects of work attitude and internship satisfaction on the hospitality students’ future career intention: a case study of Taiwan. WHTER & ICES 2013, 25-28, May, Bangkok, Thailand


  1. Guest Editor: Sustainability-Special Issue: Sustainable Consumer Behavior, Decision-Making, and Sustainability of Businesses. 2022/01/27-2022/09/30.
  2. International Journal:Editor of “Sustainability” -Special Issue "Sustainable Consumer Behavior, Decision-Making, and Sustainability of Businesses” (2022)  
  3. International Conference: Reviewer of international conference: International Conference on Applied Liberal Arts 2019, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand (2019)


  1. 98 – 現今:任行政院勞動部之餐旅服務職類技術士技能檢定術科題庫命製人員及餐飲服務職類技術士技能檢定術科題庫命製人員
  2. HACCP評核 委員
  3. 擔任勞動部“餐飲服務”職類技術士技能檢定題庫制定委員及擔任學術科命題委員
  4. 擔任勞動部“餐飲服務”職類技術士技能檢定規範制定委員